Also, last night Billy and I were having a discussion. He was being crabby and he was making me crabby so I had to discuss something with him. So, as I'm hoovering over his face trying to explain my feelings (which were all sour from his being a butthead earlier in the day), he apparently had his phone down by his side, and without even looking at it found this video clip. Right as I was about to really go into my very well prepared conclusion to my rantings he whips his phone out and shoves it right into my face with this....
I seriously tried to stay mad at him. And every time the song looped, he would change position on his phone for a more dramatic effect. He'd set it straight up, then he'd turn it sideways, then he'd put it on my head then he'd put it on his head. I wanted to bite his face, but the more he played it and the more upset I got, the more he laughed. I mean like laughing so hard he wasn't making any noise, and his face turned a shade of purple that could only be compared to that of a heart attack victim. So he finally broke me when he stuck the phone right up to my ear and he let out this guffaw that just cracked me up. I guess that's his way of apologizing for his behavior earlier in the day. Yeah, I kinda love that man.
And no I'm not forgetting... I wanted to save the best for last. So, Allison turned 9 yesterday. I went and got the girls out of school early so we could go do something fun. We drove to this place we'd been hearing about called Smith Lake. It sounded like a lot of fun. We get there and it looked like a forgotten old park with absolutely nothing. So that was a bust. We decided to go back home. Allison said she would be happy just going to get a cake mix and baking herself a cake. So that's what we did. We'd already given her her birthday gift last weekend. We got her a bike - her first bike that wasn't a hand-me-down. She seemed pretty excited... if only the brakes worked. LOL!! But she's having a slumber party this weekend, so that'll be more to blog about I'm sure. Stay tuned.